The 2 and 2 Challenge guides youth hockey leadership through national programs and tools to drive participation at the 4 to 8 age group. By growing hockey at this age group, programs will experience long-term growth as these kids continue to develop.
What is the goal of the 2 and 2 Challenge?
The blueprint guides youth hockey leadership through national programs and tools to realize their goal of acquiring 2 new players and retaining 2 additional players than the previous season's total in the 8 & under age category.
By participating in the 2 and 2 Challenge, your program will be accomplishing two things:
To complete the 2 and 2 Challenge, participating associations will utilize programs that emphasize the main driving forces of growth - Retention, Acquisition & Conversion.
Retention: Welcome Back Week -- Sept. 17th - 23rd
Acquisition: Try Hockey For Free Days -- Nov. 10th & Feb. 23rd
Conversion: Transition Programs -- Begins shortly after your Try Hockey For Free Day
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If you take advantage of our national programs (Welcome Back Week, national Try Hockey For Free Days and host a Transition Program), your association will be recognized as achieving BRONZE status of the 2 and 2 Challenge!
At the end of the season, associations that achieve Bronze status will be rewarded with the following:
Capitalize on the 2 and 2 Challenge and participate in two additional program listed below to achieve SILVER status.
Achieve Silver status and participate in at least one additional growth initiatives and you'll reach the top of the podium as a GOLD status association!